This same skepticism exists in doctors, who consider that fibromyalgia is in the head. “We have a training focused on rationality. But here we have no cause or treatment, it puts the doctor in front of his disability, “   says rheumatologist Jean-Luc Renevier, very aware of the syndrome. Because fibromyalgia remains largely a mystery. There are    “many assumptions”    about its origin, but    “none has proved its reality”, says the rheumatologist. The most confusing is that there is no injury or inflammation to explain this persistent pain. In radios, everything is normal. What we do know is that the brain of fibromyalgia does not filter the pain enough. Fibromyalgia is recognized by the World Health Organization since 1992, the National Academy of Medicine says it is a fight to be taken seriously and has published a report on the policy in 2010 that is credible in the eyes of several doctors.

The nurse “sent me to an emergency psychiatric hospital”
